Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to Create Bliss at Work

I want to change the energy at my place of work. Tweak it a little. It's not that it is so negative by any means. In fact, it is one of the best places I have ever worked in. However, it is not perfect. Sometimes it is blissful and sometimes it is not. My goal is for a blissful life. Therefore, to make it blissful, I have to put out thoughts of "bliss" and what I want that would make me feel blissful more of the time.

Now, I know that what I am experiencing is the result of my perceptions. Therefore, the best place to start is there, in my mind. I also know how powerful my thoughts are to create the life I want. As a result, I decided to send positive energy to my department on my way into work the other day.

Usually, when I enter work, I exchange a pleasant hello to people I pass. Well, on this day that I sent in the positive energy. I was greeted with two big smiles and some candy. =) I love it! 

I imagined energy coming from my heart, saying, "I love the people at my work." I think I will do this every morning.

What would you like to create at your work?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Am I Spiritual?

I consider myself to be a spiritual person. To me, being spiritual means knowing there is more to life than what meets the eye.

As I contemplate life, I realize there is order to the universe from the smallest flower to the planets in the universe. We can see this when we study sacred geometry, the flowers with their petal shapes and their centers having the geometric shape of the flower of life in them. In addition, the planets are rotating perfectly around each other year after year. For me, this order gives meaning to our lives and its purpose. Just as the flowers and planets are an expression of life, so am I.

Just like the flowers and the planets, my soul wants to express its essence, its desire to BE.

Geometric Flower of Life


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beauty is in the Soul

For attractive lips,

Speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes,

Seek out the good in people

For a slim figure,

Share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair,

Let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

For poise,

Walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed,

Revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,

You'll find one at the end of your arm

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands,

one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!

By Sam Levinson, In One Era and Out the Other

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Mind/Body Connection

Have you ever been under chronic distress and gotten a tummy ach? That is because every time we have a thought, we have an emotion. Every time we have an emotion, it releases molecules of these emotions into our bodies.

According to Richard S. Lazarus, "Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize." In other words, it is a feeling of a loss of control.

Just so you know, stress is any type of change, even what we perceive to be good change. It is still change and it is stressful. 

There are many types of stress; however, here I am referring to distress. Of the distress, there are two types. One is acute and the other is chronic.

Acute stress is intense and short-lived. It's like when we are pulled over by a police officer. After the incident, we can calm back down, depending of course on whether we get a ticket or not.

Chronic stress is ongoing; we could have it for days, weeks, months, or even years. We have chronic stress when we are in an unhappy situation and we can't seem to find a way out. For example, a credit card bill that only grows despite payments. Or maintaining a relationship that seems bad to stay but worse to leave. We are constantly arguing with family members. We are caring for the sick or elderly.

As we know, distress is the fight or flight response. It is getting our body ready to fight or flee for our survival. When this happens, our pupils dilate, blood flows away from the digestive system to the muscles of the extremities so we have the energy to fight or run. Our heart rate increases and we are on high alert or jittery.

Although most of the time we do not have to fight or flee for our survival, but we still experience the body mechanisms of that process. Continuously releasing these stress chemicals into our bodies takes its toll on our emotional and physical well-being.

We are so used to having stress that most of the time we don't realize we have it. Some people get headaches because they tense their neck and shoulder muscles and constrict the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

It is difficult for our brains to function when we are under stress. When emotions go up, thinking ability goes down, we become forgetful and misplace things. Sleeping through the night becomes difficult and we become accident-prone.

The body has the ability to heal itself, but when the body is continuously out of balance, it becomes detrimental to our health, turning into physical symptoms and illness. Symptoms of illness whether physical, mental or emotional are the bodies ways of letting us know we are out of balance.

I will be teaching a free class on the Mind/Body Connection. Come and find out how to create balance and allow healing to take place in your life. To find out about attending classes based on universal principles, click here.

To keep in touch with updates about Linda's Soul RETrieval, sign up by clicking on the "Follow" link in the column to the right. 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thanks to Rapid Eye Technology

Testimony from the RET newsletter:

"Until that new experience with Rapid Eye Therapy, I didn’t realize how old experiences from a person’s early years could affect the rest of their life. Now I understand that when a child is faced with a traumatic event (which may not be viewed as traumatic by another observer), the child reacts in a particular manner. That reaction is called a traumatic memory and will affect how that person reacts in similar situations throughout the rest of his or her life. That same reaction in childhood may not work so well or seem so rational when unconsciously triggered as an adult. But, a particular undesirable and unconscious behavior leftover from a forgotten trauma can be released in literally a session or two.

In one session, I released a problem that I had worked on in weekly sessions of traditional psychotherapy for four years with no relief from my distress, no end to my compulsive thoughts!

In one session of Rapid Eye Therapy, I found the birth-place of that horrible negative voice that plagued me in every job and every project throughout my life, and then in the same session, released it, never to be plagued again. Impossible, you say? That’s what I said before RET, but now I’m a true believer, a convert, and would do nearly anything for another session of RET." - Kathryn DeLong, Port Townsend, WA

Abundance & Gratitude

We constantly have an abundance of whatever we believe we deserve. With gratitude for all of life's gifts, we will see abundance in our lives!
Think about it! The universe is abundant with so many things it boggles the mind. To start with, think about how many stars are in the night sky; or, how about the grains of sand are on the beaches and the ocean floor. Then there are earth's trees, blades of grass, or drops of water to consider. Even the amount of people living on the earth is mind boggling to me.

As we've learned from quantum physics, it's all energy. The energy is either a particle or a wave depending on our focus. When we are not focused, the energy is a wave. When we do focus our thoughts, the energy turns into a particle and a creation is born. That's why when we think about something we want, if we don't have limiting beliefs about having it, we will manifest it in our reality.

Some things I have focused on and made a reality in my life are my two kids. I wanted a daughter with red hair and I got one. I wanted a son with brown eyes and either blond or dark brown hair. I couldn't decide which. My son has brown eyes, he had blond hair as a child, and now as an adult, his hair is dark brown. Thinking back on it, it seems like magic and really, it is. We just need to believe. Remember the Dr. Wayne W. Dyer quote, "I'll see it when I believe it".

What are some of the things you have created in your life by focused attention?

I will be teaching a free class on Abundance & Gratitude. To find out about attending classes about universal principles, click here.

To keep in touch with updates about Linda's Soul RETrieval, sign up by clicking on the "Follow" link in the column to the right. 


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cause and Effect the Cycle of Creation

The principle of cause and effect is also known as "instant Karma," "What goes around, comes around," the "law of harvest," "as we think, so shall we reap." In other words, what we think or vibrate is what we attract.

For example, if I am vibrating the thought/emotion of anger, I might have an accident, or, if I'm vibrating the thought/emotion of, I think crystals are cool, I'll probably get some as a gift.

We know how our energy is vibrating by how we feel. First, comes the thought, and then comes the feeling. Pay attention to how you feel. If you feel bad, think a new thought. Create what it is you want, not what you perceive is true.

Self-Acceptance is the Bottom Line

"To seek approval is to have no resting place, no sanctuary. Like all judgement, approval encourages a constant striving. It makes us uncertain of who we are and of our true value. Approval cannot be trusted. It can be withdrawn at any time no matter what our track record has been. It is as nourishing of real growth as cotton candy. Yet many of us spend our lives pursuing it." 
Rachel Naomi Remen quote

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Prayer for Healing

I join with Jesus of the Christ Consciousness that we remember our wholeness. That we know and understand our power and Worth as an aspect of the All-That-Is or Source. That we live and breathe love and light for others and ourselves. That we shed the illusion of judgement and seeming limitations in the physical. To accept others and myself as beautiful beings of wisdom, love, beauty, and peace. And, so it is.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Choice and Accountability

I used to feel like I was being taken in out by the tides of life's events. Most of the events seemed to depend on others actions and desires. I disliked it terribly! Then one day, I decided, that was enough! It was then I chose to learn more about how the universe (it's all energy) worked and to live my life in joy and empowerment. I learned and now practice: We are the product of our choices rather than our circumstances. That's powerful!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

7 Signs of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is so common in our society that we sometimes believe it is normal. For example, the boss yells at an employee, a parent yells at their kids, a kid takes out their anger on a pet. 

Suffering from abuse makes it so our life doesn't work. We may believe we are worthless and our self-esteem suffers. Abuse fragments the soul. Sometimes we turn to addictions to fill the void of not feeling whole.

 Here are seven signs of emotional abuse:

The Overbearing Opinion - Another person refuses to consider your opinion and forces you to always accept his or hers.

The Person Who is Always Right – Whenever there is a disagreement of any sort, this person always has to be right and have the last say.

The Judge and Jury - The person who incorporates harsh judgments of you as a person or your behavior as a way to produce personal shame and guilt.

The Put-Down Artist – The person who uses comments like "You're crazy! How could anyone think such a stupid thing?" to devalue your decisions and feelings.

The Stand-Up Comic – The person whose use of sarcasm is meant to dig up past issues, drive home a point of view, or belittle you as an individual.

The Great Guilt-Giver - This person uses unrealistic and underserved false guilt to control your behavior.

The Historian – The person who tells you you're forgiven but then proceeds to bring up over and over again every past issue to shame you into accepting his or her decisions and feelings. 

Taken from Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse, Jantz, Gregor L. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How is your perception?

We experience the world through our own belief system, therefore; we react according to what we perceive.

Have you ever been treated poorly by someone that seemed totally unexpected? Or have you made an innocent remark and the other person twisted or misunderstood what you said and it seemed as if the start of WW II was about to begin? This is because they are operating from their own perceptions and beliefs about the world.

  • It is good for parents to heal their wounds before they inflict their pain on their children. 
  • It is good for people to heal their own wounds so they can have good relationships. 
  • It is good for people to heal their wounds so they can be happy because they see the world as good and very good. They feel encounters as love and caring rather than made up stories reflecting their wounded past.

Mirror to your loved ones the best in them. It is there. What we focus on grows.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Having a healthy mind and body starts in our energy field

We are a body in this energy field. Our thoughts direct the energy toward either health or illness. If we have too much stress in our lives, our energy is weak or depleted which is depression and our immune system is compromised creating illness.

RET heals on energetic and psychological levels and therefore, it ultimately heals the body.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rapid Eye Technology News Letter

People ask me occasionally how RET works. Sometimes I don't know what to say other than, "it works good." This news letter explains it very well. Just click on the title of this post to view.

The Risk Poem

  • To laugh is to risk appearing a fool,
  • To cry is to risk appearing sentimental and soft,
  • To reach out to another is to risk involvement,
  • To show your feelings is to risk exposing your inherent self,
  • To place your ideas, your dreams, your desires before people is to risk their loss,
  • To love is to risk not being loved in return,
  • To show strength is to risk showing weakness,
  • To do is to risk failure.
  • The greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing,
  • The person who risks nothing, gets nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
  • He may avoid suffering, pain, sorrow, but he does not live, he does not love,
  • He has sold, forfeited freedom, integrity,
  • He is a slave, chained by safety, locked away by fear.
  • Because, only a person who is willing to risk not knowing the result is free.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Free Skills for Life Classes

Monday evenings

June 7, 2010

7:00 - 8:30 pm

835 East 4800 South

Ste. 210

Murray, Utah

If we are going to play the game of life, we need to know what the rules are.
Please join me in learning life principles.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Reasons for the Soul’s Departure


Have you ever heard the term, "Someone was beside themselves?" like when a traumatic event happened or something that was emotionally challenging to face or go through? That is what it is like when the soul leaves the body. It is a temporary coping mechanism to a challenging event. However, if the soul does not process the feelings of the event and re-integrate, then they need someone to intervene and help them do that. Otherwise, the emotions will be trapped in the body and turn into illness.

Other ways that a soul may leave the body or become fragmented or depleted in energy is from any form of abuse. For example, if a child has a hostile caretaker, the child will try to escape back into the spirit world where they feel safe. This child will get spacey at times. They will daydream frequently or "check out" and live in their own world of safety.

If someone is in an accident, they may leave their body. The trauma is too great to deal with, so they leave.
War or violence can also make the soul leave. Any time we feel overwhelmed with an emotion from trauma and we are not able to process the feelings, we may check out of our bodies.

We, as a society, have developed dysfunctional ways of being and relating to one another. Sometimes we are not allowed to have feelings or express ourselves. Other times, we fear offending or hurting someone, or we have to follow the rules of polite society. Sometimes, we are manipulated by loved ones to "stuff it" because they want things their own way because they need to feel in control.

When emotions are not felt in our bodies or allowed expression for fear of ridicule, humiliation, wrath, or hurting someone, they can turn into physical illness. Some of the illnesses are things like asthma, urinary urgency or frequency, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome.

What do you think about this? Are there other examples you can think of that might apply to the soul fragmenting or leaving the body?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ego Defence

If I am able to express authentically, from my soul, I am kinder to myself and others. If I feel like I need to protect or defend myself, I have created ego defenses. An ego defense would be something like, come here, go away. Or, it could be like wearing armor and having to fight others because I am afraid, mostly of ...being hurt. More to come . . .

Heaven in my little world

That is my goal . . . to create heaven on earth. At least in my little world.

Heaven on Earth

What greater plan can there be but to bring a realization of heaven within us and on earth and to have the soul express with increasing perfection through our human personalities? In this manner the material world becomes spiritualized and proclaims the Kingdom of God as a reality in the hearts and minds of humanity. Rosicrucian's


People grow through time. In relationships, we either grow together or grow apart. When we enter a relationship, we do so for different reasons. At an early age, it could be to fulfill a nesting need. At an older
age, it could fulfill a need for companionship. How are we to grow together over time in a way that is fulfilling to both people?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Harmonious Psychic Energy Centers

My visit with the Rosicrucian’s today was interesting. It was a discussion about Psychic Energy.

We talked about the energetic vibration of everything and the psychic centers in particular. Discussing that one psychic center was not more important than another and that balance denotes duality.

However, they provide a vehicle for harmonium. In other words, those energy centers below contribute to those above and that each level of development organizes the levels below. This harmonium is the soul personality and the rhythmic vibration of one’s energy.

To grow, we must build from the bottom up, but we must attract Vital Life Force from the top down. Thus, we keep ourselves in harmony in relation to the Cosmic.

Happy growing!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What is Soul RETrieval?

Soul RETrieval is using Rapid Eye Technology (RET) to bring us back into wholeness, which is our natural state, by re-framing limiting beliefs. It is retrieving the fragmented parts of us created by trauma that keep us from expressing our authentic self.

RET is a short-term therapy program based on spiritual principles. It is a tool to facilitate the releasing and clearing of old programming, opening the way to awareness of your true joy and happiness!
With RET, we find light and spirituality within us that has always been there. However, because we have focused our attention so much on our experiences and traumas of life, we have tended to block our awareness to that joy.

Due to living in the world, we develop an ego. The ego is the opinion we have of ourselves; it is our self-esteem and our self-worth. From generation to generation, we individuals develop an opinion of ourselves based on what came before us. We cannot teach what we do not know. Because of this, we have been programmed for survival. I am not referring to physical survival, but survival of our soul. Without love and acceptance, children sense they will not survive. 

Because the consciousness of human kind is just coming into awareness that we are powerful spiritual beings creating our reality; we are also realizing that we may have many old beliefs contributing to our creations that do not serve us well.  If we think about it, there are some significant erroneous beliefs about being a limited human that has a spirit rather than a spiritual being having a human experience.

As children, most of us grow up unaware of whom we truly are, a powerful spiritual being having a human experience. Unaware of that soulful part of us as a unique being, expressing our uniqueness as only we can. Leaving us to feel a hole in the soul and a void in our lives. In this vulnerable state, we are susceptible to filling the void with addictions: addictions to food, sex, drugs, work, relationships, etc..

Indeed, our authentic self, our core being, is our unique soulful self; it is the genuine, real part of us. It is the heart of a person. It is the creative and emotional part of our being expressing as us individually. For example, when we hear music expressing the deepest feelings of the artist, it is considered soulful. In addition, there is the expression that something moves us to our very soul, or to the deepest part or core of our being. 

Therefore, Soul RETrieval is bringing us back to a state of wholeness. It is uncovering the unconscious patterns that keep us stuck in anger, fear, and hopeless despair. It is uncovering that soulful part of us that is in flow and harmony with the universe. Thus creating our own heaven on earth. 

Hence, I, as a Rapid Eye Technician, facilitate the release of the emotional stress that supports those unwanted patterns without the client having to relive every traumatic event. The client is in conscious control during sessions. With the conscious mind awake and aware, you are able to make new choices.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Body Somatic Experiences

Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is an amazing healing tool, not just for healing the mind, but for healing the body as well.

We have known for some time that there is a mind/body connection. In other words, what is going on in our minds will eventually show up in our bodies. Whenever we have a thought, released into the body are molecules of emotion. Over time, these molecules of for example anger, will take its toll on the body and create disease.

The movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know” demonstrated this when the molecules were released into the body at the party and by the way the woman’s body aged because of her negative beliefs about herself.

I have had the exciting opportunity of witnessing this first hand with the use of RET with my clients. For instance, one of my clients was wearing a heart monitor after a visit to the emergency room because she felt she was having a heart attack. After a few sessions of RET, she was able to remove the monitor and she felt great. Her home situation had caused her so much anxiety it was affecting her heart. It was a relationship issue. Interesting it would be affecting the heart.

Another client was suffering from extreme asthma attacks. She could hardly catch her breath. She had been missing a lot of work because she just did not have the energy to do anything because she was not getting enough oxygen.

She, needless to say, was very motivated to correct this problem. Again, after a few sessions, she was able to understand the cause of her problem and release the beliefs underlying it. Once the beliefs changed and the emotions attached released, the problem left and now she is asthma free.

One of the great things about RET, is that when we have an issue that is causing us physical or emotional pain, RET helps to find the cause and energetically release it. One can actually feel the energy in the body move.

24 Blocks to Living Your Authentic Self

Take a Look! Do any of these apply to you?

Do I ever:

1. Find myself in an argument and feel the need to be right?

2. Feel the need to justify myself or my actions?

3. Stand firm on my opinions not wanting to listen to another point of view?

4. Feel the need to have life compartmentalized or needing it to be classified as right/wrong or good/bad?

5. Engage in "my way or the highway" thinking?

6. Have to have others perform tasks "my way?"

7. Blame others for things turning out the way they do claiming, "It's not my fault this has happened."

8. Get the feeling that others get preferential treatment?

9. Feel like a victim? Feel powerless, defenseless, vulnerable, weak, ineffective, or insignificant rather than strong, hardy, commanding, or influential?

10. Feel jealous or resentment when someone else has something I want?

11. Feel paranoid about other people?

12. Hold a grudge?

13. Feel bitter, hostile, hatred or find myself thinking or saying, "I'll show you" to a perceived wrongdoing from someone?

14. Resent others for having what I don't have?

15. Wear a mask or create an image of pretense because I have a lack of self-worth or a lack of realness?

 16. Feel hopeless and despair and want to give up, thinking "What's the use?"

17. Feel guilty and unwilling to let myself off the hook for something I've done?

18. Submit to others wants or desires while disregarding my own?

19. Distrust my own knowing or sensing of a situation or sedcond guess myself?

20. Worry?

21. Hope for situations to improve or people to change?

22. Hang out in the past or future?

23. Feel unclear about my feelings or issues?

24. Avoid feeling my feelings?

28. Feel a separation from my feelings?

If you have answered "yes" to any of these then RET can serve you.

Call Linda now for an appointment and start living your authentic self.