Saturday, February 20, 2010

What is Soul RETrieval?

Soul RETrieval is using Rapid Eye Technology (RET) to bring us back into wholeness, which is our natural state, by re-framing limiting beliefs. It is retrieving the fragmented parts of us created by trauma that keep us from expressing our authentic self.

RET is a short-term therapy program based on spiritual principles. It is a tool to facilitate the releasing and clearing of old programming, opening the way to awareness of your true joy and happiness!
With RET, we find light and spirituality within us that has always been there. However, because we have focused our attention so much on our experiences and traumas of life, we have tended to block our awareness to that joy.

Due to living in the world, we develop an ego. The ego is the opinion we have of ourselves; it is our self-esteem and our self-worth. From generation to generation, we individuals develop an opinion of ourselves based on what came before us. We cannot teach what we do not know. Because of this, we have been programmed for survival. I am not referring to physical survival, but survival of our soul. Without love and acceptance, children sense they will not survive. 

Because the consciousness of human kind is just coming into awareness that we are powerful spiritual beings creating our reality; we are also realizing that we may have many old beliefs contributing to our creations that do not serve us well.  If we think about it, there are some significant erroneous beliefs about being a limited human that has a spirit rather than a spiritual being having a human experience.

As children, most of us grow up unaware of whom we truly are, a powerful spiritual being having a human experience. Unaware of that soulful part of us as a unique being, expressing our uniqueness as only we can. Leaving us to feel a hole in the soul and a void in our lives. In this vulnerable state, we are susceptible to filling the void with addictions: addictions to food, sex, drugs, work, relationships, etc..

Indeed, our authentic self, our core being, is our unique soulful self; it is the genuine, real part of us. It is the heart of a person. It is the creative and emotional part of our being expressing as us individually. For example, when we hear music expressing the deepest feelings of the artist, it is considered soulful. In addition, there is the expression that something moves us to our very soul, or to the deepest part or core of our being. 

Therefore, Soul RETrieval is bringing us back to a state of wholeness. It is uncovering the unconscious patterns that keep us stuck in anger, fear, and hopeless despair. It is uncovering that soulful part of us that is in flow and harmony with the universe. Thus creating our own heaven on earth. 

Hence, I, as a Rapid Eye Technician, facilitate the release of the emotional stress that supports those unwanted patterns without the client having to relive every traumatic event. The client is in conscious control during sessions. With the conscious mind awake and aware, you are able to make new choices.

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