Wednesday, June 16, 2010

7 Signs of Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is so common in our society that we sometimes believe it is normal. For example, the boss yells at an employee, a parent yells at their kids, a kid takes out their anger on a pet. 

Suffering from abuse makes it so our life doesn't work. We may believe we are worthless and our self-esteem suffers. Abuse fragments the soul. Sometimes we turn to addictions to fill the void of not feeling whole.

 Here are seven signs of emotional abuse:

The Overbearing Opinion - Another person refuses to consider your opinion and forces you to always accept his or hers.

The Person Who is Always Right – Whenever there is a disagreement of any sort, this person always has to be right and have the last say.

The Judge and Jury - The person who incorporates harsh judgments of you as a person or your behavior as a way to produce personal shame and guilt.

The Put-Down Artist – The person who uses comments like "You're crazy! How could anyone think such a stupid thing?" to devalue your decisions and feelings.

The Stand-Up Comic – The person whose use of sarcasm is meant to dig up past issues, drive home a point of view, or belittle you as an individual.

The Great Guilt-Giver - This person uses unrealistic and underserved false guilt to control your behavior.

The Historian – The person who tells you you're forgiven but then proceeds to bring up over and over again every past issue to shame you into accepting his or her decisions and feelings. 

Taken from Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse, Jantz, Gregor L. 

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