Sunday, June 13, 2010

How is your perception?

We experience the world through our own belief system, therefore; we react according to what we perceive.

Have you ever been treated poorly by someone that seemed totally unexpected? Or have you made an innocent remark and the other person twisted or misunderstood what you said and it seemed as if the start of WW II was about to begin? This is because they are operating from their own perceptions and beliefs about the world.

  • It is good for parents to heal their wounds before they inflict their pain on their children. 
  • It is good for people to heal their own wounds so they can have good relationships. 
  • It is good for people to heal their wounds so they can be happy because they see the world as good and very good. They feel encounters as love and caring rather than made up stories reflecting their wounded past.

Mirror to your loved ones the best in them. It is there. What we focus on grows.

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