What is Rapid Eye Technology?

Rapid Eye Technology (RET) 
is a short-term therapy program based on spiritual principles.

RET is a tool to facilitate the releasing and clearing of old programming, opening the way to awareness of your true joy and happiness! With RET, we find light and spirituality within us that has always been there, but because we've focused our attention so much on our experiences and traumas of life, we've tended to block our awareness to that joy.

The Rapid Eye Technician facilitates the release of emotional stress that supports those unwanted patterns without the client having to relive every traumatic event. The client is in conscious control during sessions. With the conscious mind awake, you are able to make new choices.

RET is a two-part process

One part of RET is the releasing of old programming, the other is consciously choosing the life you want using the "Life Skills" principles. You are totally in charge of your experience! 

One of the most important premises in RET is the client is a  perfect spiritual being. 

As a Rapid Eye Technician, I chip away at the error thinking to reveal the angel within.

RET is used for all types of stress-related conditions such as . . .

  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Childhood Issues
  • Negative Thoughts
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Addictive Behavior
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Physical, Sexual, or Emotional Abuse

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