Prayers and Inspiration

A power or process of transforming something common into something special: an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting.  

A person who studies or practices alchemy.

In the laboratory of life, an alchemist transforms heavy leaden thoughts into thoughts of pure gold. 

Would you know Life abundant
Love doubled, for all you give?
There is a means no surer
Than helping someone to live.

Melchizedek Truth Principles p. 110

1 comment:

  1. My meditation:

    I saw and felt a crimson red and felt passion and strength in the heart of my soul

    Then it turned to a calm blue

    Then to a healing green

    And finally, to a bright yellow where there was much aliveness of clarity and joy

    As I climb up the ravine and go higher, I feel my strength and I am triumphant knowing I am one with the energy of the universe.

    If I want to vibrate at the powerful passion of red, I am that

    If I want the peace of the blue, I am that

    If I want to feel the nurturing of nature, I am that

    If I want the clarity and joy of yellow, I am that

    I am a powerful being!
