Sunday, February 26, 2012

Top Ten Emotional Needs of Children

Here is a list of what could be considered the top 10 emotional needs of children. However, we all have an inner child, so this applies to us adults as well. Remember to meet your own emotional needs too by being kind and loving to yourself as well as the other adults in your life.
Children have a need to be:

1.      Accepted

2.      Believed in

3.      Cared about

4.      Forgiven

5.      Loved

6.      Safe

7.      Supported

8.      Trusted

9.      Understood

10.   Valued

If parents adequately fill all of these needs, the child’s behavior would take care of itself. If a child or person has positive feelings, then naturally positive behavior will follow.

This is my contribution to stop war and crime on an individual basis. One emotionally healthy person will nurture that in another and they then are able to nurture that in a family. The family nurtures a community, the community a nation, the nation a world.

Blessings for peace and love to the soul of the world.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What to Do When You are in a Yuck Situation?

When you find yourself in a “yuck” situation, the first thing to do is find something to appreciate! Then you’re not messing up other areas of your life.

Because we create our world by how we vibrate and how we vibrate is by how we think, we want to divert our thoughts, therefore our energy, to something we love. Then we will be creating more of that!  

I’m talking about not just thinking appreciation, but feeling appreciation, a surge of significant emotion flowing up from the depths of your being. One way to do this is to imagine what it might feel like to have something wonderful, like you’re your heart’s desire.

On the other hand, maybe you can use a touchstone to get in touch with deeply private memories like a sunset, a river, or a never-to-be forgotten moment such as unspeakable love, spiritual revelation, contentment, or wild joy.

This is the most profoundly important frequency we can hold for it’s the closest thing to cosmic love that exists. At this frequency, we are in perfect harmony with our Source.

Appreciation equals heaven on earth. Can you imagine loving everything you encounter, even the seeming junk? LOL

So, find something to appreciate even when you’re in yuck situations.

When we can’t flip our switch to appreciation, energy healing can help. If you need some help with this, please call me. I have some outstanding tools to help you. We all need a little help at times.