There is a distortion of our soul on such a profound level that needs to be brought to our awareness if we are to feel whole and have peace.
I went to a Sundance movie screening recently at the college. It was about how women in the media are portrayed as sex objects rather than real human beings who are capable of greatness. I saw this same kind of information about twenty years ago and things seem to be getting worse.
There is no denying that women are portrayed as sexual objects in the media. We have all seen the sexy females in places where it feels incongruent. For example, while watching the TV show, House, the woman in charge of the hospital looks like she is ready to go on a romantic date rather than run a hospital. We see the animated women who are skimpily dressed using brute force like a man would do to fight against evil. We may have even seen how men and women in news commentaries make comments about a woman’s looks rather that her abilities and contributions.
In the video, they showed a news commentary, a discussion between men on what it would be like if more women occupied spaces in politics. One man’s comment was that the effect would be PMS and mood swings rather than having a balancing effect from a different perspective on actions and decisions made.
What is also interesting is that women in other countries have more positions of power than what they do here in the U.S. Women make up 51% of the population here in the U.S. and hold only 17% of the positions in politics.
Because media (TV, radio, internet) has the ability to socialize us, this kind of portrayal of women has a detrimental effect on the self-esteem of the female population. Being an “object” means women are here to please another with no thought or concern for their own wellbeing or desires. We see this play out in the way women and adolescent females dress with lots of cleavage, both front and back, in an effort to be more “sexy.” Females usually dress to the nines and most males dress casually. Being an object also makes it easier for abusers to hurt or kill because it takes the humanness out of the act.
This kind of socialization not only has an impact on females it has a huge impact on males. Males at a very young age are taught to disrespect females by perceiving them as sexual objects and to use them for their own pleasure. This does not and cannot have a good impact on their self-worth to treat people this way.
Besides the effect on self-worth for both males and females, we have so much casual sex going on. This is happening at an extremely young age. Adolescent girls and boys are having such casual sex it’s alarming. Along with that comes venereal disease and new babies who also grow up in this atmosphere and it goes on and on.
What this does to the psyche on a soul level is damaging. Males using females, females being used, then in turn using males because of the imbalance of power. I know what it is like from my perspective and it doesn’t feel good to be objectified. Diminishing value of my being is what it feels like to me.
When we are conditioned to live this way it goes against the grain of our soul, we know it doesn’t feel right, yet we have a hard time doing things differently because we need to have an awareness of what is actually going on here. Until we shine a light on it and put a name on it, we will continue to do things as we’ve always done them.
In reading the book “Return of the Bird Tribes” by Ken Carey, there is a part about the White Buffalo Calf Woman. She comes upon two young Sioux hunters. The one brother lusts after her. She grants him his wish,
“And so the second brave was left standing alone on the prairie, watching as his bother walked off, apparently enjoying the mysterious woman in the swirling cloud of dust that for awhile hid them both from sight. When the dust settled enough to see, there was the woman, binging slowly together the stitches of her dress. At her feet, partially decomposed, lay a corpse, alive with worms, beetles and a cloud of hungry flies.”
Is this symbolic of the death of his soul? The brother was still standing.
White Buffalo Calf Woman states,
“A man who looks first to a woman’s outer beauty will never know her beauty divine, for there is dust upon his eyes and he is as good as blind. But a man who sees in a woman the spirit of the Great One and who sees her beauty first in spirit and in truth, that man will know God in that woman; and should she choose to lie with him, he will share with her in enjoyment more fully that the former ever could. And all will be as it should.” p. 52
This is a new paradigm for us and it has been in the making for a long time. It is not a war between the sexes, but a time for healing our souls. Now we are consciously aware of this, we have the power to choose what we want. I choose to feel whole and have peace.